Written on 10:13 PM by Brian McDonald
She hates hoods!
She also hates grass!
She wasn't sure about the park at first
But not long after she was off and running!
It's really fun watching her learn/see new things everyday!
After fixing her shoe, we (you guessed it) walked some more!
I have been teaching her almost everyday to walk, It is truly one of the greatest things I have ever done.
She loves horse's
Hill looked creepy with people on it. But somebody left a plastic sled on the hill for everyone to "grass sled".
And today she was over her fear of grass!
She loved being in the grass!
Anyone that wants a print of this just email me! I just love this black and white photo of her!
So curious about the world
Daddy quit taking pictures and come play!!!
Nevermind the wind is blowing!
Tired of it?
No just put me back down!
I really can't believe how she got over her fear. Just yesterday she hated the grass!
This one is going to be a 20x30 print easily :)
Look the wind is blowing the leaves!
She loves my Mom's flowers!
I think I want to climb up and down the stairs!
We also used some sidewalk chalk!
I really want to get out and shoot something tomorrow, I have to work this weekend and won't have time to shoot. I really am glad for the time I did get with my beautiful little girl. And my wonderful girlfriend!
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