Sorry To All Whom I Have Missed Lately

Written on 10:59 PM by Brian McDonald

Sorry to all that have called/text in the last couple of days. I have had some home stuff to take care of. I am also starting up the river, So my time away from a computer kinda kills this blog. But never fear...I have one trip tomorrow a 1:00 and I'll be back in town in the afternoon some. I might get some time on the golf course in, might not. Anyways you can look for a photo post tomorrow regardless!

And as for Sunday, I have a few trips so I will be busy most of the day. But if at all possible I wouldnt mind getting some skating in. I hope everyone is doing well, and I would like to wish a late Happy Birthday to my girlfriend Kayla! Her birthday was on the 2nd!

Speaking of birthday's my little girls birthday is the 19th she will be the big 1! The party will be at the River Park(chattanooga). Everyone is pretty much invited! No gifts needed!

Also I would like to thank everyone I have shot with, It's always a blast!

Bad Weather was a no show!

Written on 12:09 AM by Brian McDonald

Well my boss up the river left all the camera gear at his home....So I had a short day today! I was very stoked and really wanted to take advantage of the bad weather holding up.

So I got a few text messages today, Some from Kelsey,Ryan, Cameron, and Ethan.

All pretty much wanting to do the same thing I wanted to! Skate! So I told them I should be in the Chatt by 4pm, and everyone was down!

So I drove my way back to the Chatt....Stopped and ate some Sonic, and then was ready to go. When I got home I dropped my 2 girls off at home and changed. Then I was off to Cricket Pavilion to meet up with everyone.

Shortly after arriving Ryan asked if I wanted to go to the Trampoline rail? I was very excited to be shooting on that again so I said of course! Soon after Cameron asked if I wanted to go back to the Broken Bench spot? I told him I was down with whatever!

So we decided to hit Broken Bench, then The Trampoline Rail.... This bench spot was popping off today!


Cameron Dell:

Frontside Smith To Front Board.

Nick Guertin:
Back Tail to Fakie.(click to see full)

Ryan Cooper:Back Lip to fakie.(click to see full)

Jay McDonald:Boardslide

After that we cruised over to the Trampoline Rail... Ryan Went off!

Ryan Cooper:

Ryan Cooper:
Frontside Feeble

Ryan CooperFrontside Feeble 2

He landed one more thing down this but I think I'll run that by some people first :)

So as I packed up Cameron asked "wanna shoot this ollie photo by peeples?"

I Said ya. And we headed out that way!

Upon ariving this spot looked amazing for an ollie photo. And even though there was sketchy ground for run up, Cameron gave it a go!

Here's what we got:

Right after this attempt a city worker pulled up and gave us the boot. Cameron was bummed but he wants to go back and get a 180 photo, so it's all good. :)

And so me and Scott tried to go YOU KNOW WHERE AGAIN!

(Aquarium for you guys who haven't read the blog or have suffered "short term memory loss")

Right as we walked up a cop pulled up so we didn't even bother....another day....another day...

Then Ryan had the idea to check out this bump-to-bar.

Ryan got down on this thing too:Late shuv

Nick Guertin did too:
backside 180

As did Cameron Dell:

So after everyone messed around, and I shot some Portraits of Ryan and Cameron.

Then Cameron asked if I would shoot this:

With the rain still holding off, at most a slight drizzle. We wanted to skate something else, and so we headed to Hixson to shoot at this 2 stair ledge..

Started shooting sequences till it got too dark. I hate using my flashes for sequences, I feel like its a waste. And then my second flash would not charge up and fire. I have hope that it's not the flash and she just needs new batteries!

So Scott's photo came out a little dark =(

He was lipsliding the top stair to nose bonk the second..It was sick!

Nick Guertin landed a noseblunt on this thing...My flash problems lead to the first bad photo I have shot in awhile.

I did manage to get good photo's of the blunt brothers.

They did this back to back:
So after Cameron landed his I got my shit together, and me and Ryan road back to his car at the park. Stoked on another great day in the Stank. If these days keep up do I still call this town "The Stank?" of course!!!!!

Plans for tomorrow are "iffy"

Might be in Atlanta might not...

I guess you will be able to tell by my post tomorrow!