Clear-ish Day

Written on 10:43 PM by Brian McDonald rained in the morning and dried up in the afternoon.

Got a text reading:
Ryan Cooper: Whats up?

Me: Ah, not shit ry-ry what's up man?

Ryan Cooper: Just watchin' this movie right now. Waitin' for it to dry up a little. What are you getting into today?

Me: The same. Haha

So after that I helped out around the house and showered. And after that I got a call from Cameron Dell, He wanted me to know that they were headed to the pavilion.

The Pavilion is just that, a nice covered flat ground spot to skate.

So I helped my girl make dinner and I was off!

After I arived I pushed around for a bit and nobody had any ideas, as far as spots that is. So Cameron asked, "Do you know of any artsy spots around here?".

And you know, I did. I been scoping out this one spot with an artsy sculpture that was next to Coolidge Park. I always thought photos here would be sick, framed inside the opening with the city across the river.

So we hop'd in THE BIRD:

What do you think?

Ryan Kickflip:
Cameron 360 flip:
Ryan pop shuv:
Cameron's steezy ollie's:I made Scott shoot this for me:
Really suprised we didnt get the boot...We were full of dirty' Kids'
Where to now????
Scott said the Aquarium, we tried yet again to get this photo....COP pulled up right as I was done setting up.

So Cameron tried to make it look like we were shooting portraits:

After that it was a BJ stop(no homo)...Bo-to-the-jangles that is...

Best quote from BJ's :

"you put jelly on your sausage biscuts?"


"yuk, salty and sweet"

"Bet thats what rach-y gets after you skate all day"

"salty-sweet skate dick!"

The convo's that occur while grubbing are epic to say the least...

After that we went to the red rails:
Everyone messed with them...

Cameron was bummed on the spot:As the night died down, I remembered that Ryan wanted to get this Ollie photo! It was the perfect time to shoot it too...I mean look at the sky:

So we headed over to the ledge-to-ledge spot...
Ryan got the ollie, and was nice enough to let me shoot a sequence and still!

I'm super stoked on the ollie photo but.....I'm going to run it by some people before I post...Hell gotta try!!

Maybe the rain will hold off tomorrow!

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  1. Anonymous |

    It's not going to be the same once you are back on the river...


  2. Anonymous |

    i'm diggin the blog. i put a link up on the new site. keep it up.


  3. Brian McDonald |

    I think it will Scoggs!

    Thanks Pat for the linkage! I will do the same here!


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